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Pickleball, Sports, & Eye Protection

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Pickleball is now the fastest-growing sport in Canada and the USA. Similar to tennis but slower-paced and easier to learn, it uses smaller hard paddles and hard plastic wiffle-type balls. Its popularity is due in large part to its fun, social nature, and great exercise. 

However, along with other racquet sports like squash, racquetball, tennis, and badminton, eye injuries, such as painful corneal abrasions and even more serious sight-threatening injuries, such as retinal detachments, are being increasingly reported with pickleball. So I thought I would get some information out about sports and eye protection.  

Safety Glasses for Pickleball

Many websites addressing eye safety and pickleball eye protection recommend ANSI Z87 safety glasses. While these might be sufficient for sports, the ANSI Z87.1 (American National Standards Institute) safety glasses are meant for workplace safety, and only the ANSI Z87.2 are tested for sports safety. Therefore, not all ANSI Z87 lenses are created equal. 

ASTM F803 (American Society for Testing and Materials) sports safety glasses are impact tested for frame breakage and lens retention to withstand projectiles fired at speeds up to 90 mph and ranging in size from 40 to 65 cm. 

The ASTM F803 sets the standard for sports protective eyewear, including prescription lenses if needed. It focuses on: 

  • Impact resistance
  • Optical quality
  • Safety for sports

Protection for All Sports

It is not just racquet sports such as pickleball which require eye protection. Other sports also commonly cause eye injuries, such as: 

  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball

High-velocity balls, as well as sticks, paddles, fingers, and elbows, can come at speeds from which our reflexes aren’t fast enough to protect our eyes from injury.  

Most sports will have recommendations on eye protection if you check with the respective association, but you really can’t go wrong with an ASTM F803 standard pair for any of the above-named sports. 

UV protection is also a good idea, and full UV protection ASTM F803 lenses are available in clear and sunglasses tints.   

Eye Protection for All Ages

Often, our patients only think of eye protection for their children who play sports. However, adults and seniors also have precious eyes that need protection. Seniors are even more prone to retinal tears and detachments, especially those who have had cataract surgery. By protecting your vision, you can witness and celebrate your child’s successes throughout life with clarity and joy.

Protect Your Eyes Today

At Pierce Family Vision, we carry an assortment of ASTM F803 frames and lenses, available in prescription and non-prescription types and all with UV protection. 

If you need work safety glasses, we also carry custom prescription workplace safety glasses that meet the ANSI Z87.1 standards. 

So, now that you know how to protect your precious eyes while you are having fun, come see us at Pierce Family Vision (across from the Delta Hotel in Waterloo, Ontario), and let us help you find the perfect pair of sports glasses for pickleball or whichever sport you like!

Written by Dr. Patti Ellison

Dr. Patti Ellison graduated from the University of Waterloo School of Optometry in 1988. She received the A.W. Cole prize for clinical proficiency. She practiced in Guelph until 1994 when she joined her husband, Dr. Bruce Pierce, here in Waterloo.

Dr. Ellison enjoys the wonderful diversity in her practice with patients of all ages and from all parts of the world. She especially enjoys examining children’s eyes. Children’s exams always start with a ride in the chair, pictures (if they aren’t quite ready for the letters) and the “magic” 3D glasses to check depth perception. We also have ingenious ways of examining babies and Dr. Ellison has cared for many children from their first exam at 6 months of age until they bring in children of their own.

Dr. Ellison also enjoys helping adults with any visual or eye health issues they have such as dry eyes, blepharitis (red, irritated eyes and eyelids), and specialty glasses for things like driving, reading sheet music, working on computers, or anything else task-specific.

Dr. Ellison and Dr. Pierce have 2 grown sons and live in Waterloo. Outside of the office, Dr. Ellison enjoys taking walking holidays in the UK and Ireland.

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