Picture this. You’re sitting in your office staring at your computer screen, there is a fast approaching deadline. You don’t have time to take your eyes off the screen. It’s winter time so the heat is blasting! You find your vision blurring and you blink, which helps for a split second. Then you start feeling […]
OHIP and Cataract Surgery
A cataract is a haze in the lens in the eye, like a smudge on a camera lens. The lens in the eye sits right behind the iris (the coloured part of the eye). A cataract causes blurred vision at distance and near, even with the best possible glasses correction. Cataract surgery is the most […]
Blepharitis- Red eyes and crusty lids explained Chronic red eyes and crusty lids are commonly due to inflammation from chronic bacterial overgrowth and/or from demodex mite infestations. Acute bacterial or viral infections (conjunctivitis or pink eye) are very different and require appropriate treatment, however the chronic red eyes which bother many patients are easily improved […]